Monday, August 3, 2009

Health Care

Great monologue by Keith Olbermann on tonight's Countdown

the man is a genius


  1. This was at most entertaining...but genius??? I question your definition of the word if you thought this was genius!

    I have to agree with the fact that these crooks are making a killing in lobbist funds. Its not right!!!!! We should vote these jerks out of office. ALL of them though. not just Republicans, Keith's and your Dems too!!! Everyone in Congress recieves money AND help out Big business. if you don't think Dems are jsut as guilty, you must have your head up a baboons ass!!! Keith only gives one side of the story. Where is his crituqe of the Dems who are making money by voting yes? Many of them have excepted hundreds of thousands from GE, who has a billion dollar stake in this bill passing. And Obama is at the top of the list. Did MSNBC and Keith Obberman do a story of the millions of dollars given to Dems to vote yes on the Cap and Trade bill? Of course not because HE gets paid by MSNBC who is owned by GE who has publicly admitted to using its media outlets to promote the Obama agenda. Where was Keith's name and salary on the list? How can you agree with this? But what else should we expect from progressive propagandists?

    Also as a respected journalist he owes it to his viewers to back up his statements. His main point..other than conservative bashing.. was to say that these Senators weren't voting with their constiuants. But he had...wait for it....ZERO PROOF. He didn't use a single shread of evidence to say that the people in these Senators districts where actually in favor of this bill. Not a single poll. So let me get this straight he wants politicians to vote the will of the people...but only if they agree with him. Is that it??? Public support for this bill is falling, so maybe it is the Dems who should start voting with the people.

    Politicans are crooks...even your Messiah, the great Obama. Yet you want to give them more power? I mean that is the progressive platform:These guys know how to run our lives better than we do. That makes no sense to me. These guys have bankruted Social Secruity, Medicare, and now you want to give them everyones health. No thank you. Maybe it is the liberal voters who have soled out. You have sold you vote to the wack-job who will give you the most access to other people hard earned private property!!

    So genius no, deceitful yes.

  2. Did u watch the whole video? the entire second half was him naming Democrats, President Obama included. And at last polls, support for health care was still over 50%. which makes public health care popularly supported

  3. He only attacked Blue dogs who where against the bill but mentioned nothing about Dems who were getting money to support the bill, from groups like SEIU and GE...just to name a few. He said Obama recieved money but he hadn't "hold his soul" if you will. But that was only because he is on Keith and MSNBC's side. The latest Rasmussen poll I saw had 53% agaisnt the plan.So I guess it depends on the poll. But that still doesn't prove that the people represented by THESE Senators, in their districts, approve of the bill. And that was the whole point he was trying to I was just questioning your meaning of genius? Because running this story without any evidence of his clame isn't what I would consider to be genius...not even a little bit. I mean I can go out there and read off campaign contribution records of Dems and would you call me a genius???

  4. im saying genuis oratorically. i should have made that clearer. and youre right, he does support people he agrees with. Remember, Olbermann is not a report-the-news type, hes a political commentator, like O'Reilly, or Dobbs, or Matthews. anyways i dont mean to get so vitriolic when i write comments to ur comments, you just know how to push my buttons lol. thats probly a good thing. im just worried that this is getting personal for you and me and i hope not. i have a lot of respect for u and always have, so i dont want our differences to cause a major rift. is this totally out of left field lol?
    hope all is well! later

  5. Oh well then I completely agree. He is great at keeping your attention and sounding very intelligent. And I get too wrapped up in "winning". I love debating and I think I could argue with the wall, and I teach debate so I am always looking for flaws and mistakes to attack. I just can't believe how different our beliefs are and I just disagree so strongly against socialism. And I am afraid that this Admin is setting us up for failure. But while I disagree with you whole heartedly, I respect the fact that you care. Which is very rare in this next generation coming up through the schools now. So no, I have no hard feelings, but school is about to start and I am about to get really busy so I will be out of your hair. I probably won't be posting anything for awhile, unless you are just extremelly wrong about something...hahaha. Anyway take it easy and have a great semester.
