Monday, October 12, 2009


Hey guys, just checkin in real quick.

I hope you all enjoyed the videos. They are my insidious way of looking busy while in fact I do very little haha. Anyways, I'll be writing again this week, so I better get my work ethic in check. And after my one post diversion into political science, I think I'm gonna go back to issues, because I have more to say about that, and well, this whole blog idea is about me saying things, right?

Just to touch on a view things. First, congratulations to President Obama on recieving the Nobel Peace Prize. I agree it was shocking and I also agree maybe he wasn't the most qualified. However, this talk that he wasn't qualified in anyway is ridiculous. He has done so many good things in such a short amount of time, from peace talks with Iran to the advancement of minority rights here in America. He has projected a wonderful, new image of America to the world, which is exactly what we needed, considering the way we were viewed for the previous eight. It's embarassing that anyone in this country would be upset that he won (almost as embarassing as certain people cheering the fact that Chicago missed out on the Olympics.) I understand if you think he's underqualified. However, you should be proud. This isn't just an individual honor. This is a statment on America's new standing in the world.

One thing that is bothering me is the secessionist talks coming from certain states. I can't believe that people would be talking like this. What happened to patriotism? Can you really love America if you don't want to be a part of it anymore? Grow up. Secession is not an option, it isn't even a conversation. It's absolutely ridiculous, and borders on treason.

All these things, from the Olympics controversy to secession to siding with rebels in Honduras (see: Demint, Sen. Jim), makes the Republicans look strangely unpatriotic. Weren't these the same folks who just a few short years ago that said if you so much as look at the president wrong you were un-American? The same ones who bestowed us with "freedom fries?" Now they are out of power, and suddenly they seemingly abandon their country. Just because someone else is in power doesn't mean you give up on America. I don't remember Democrats threatening secession during the Bush Administration, and he did some pretty wacked out stuff.

For the best overview of Republican thinking right now, read this column by Paul Krugman from the New York Times last week.
That sums it up pretty well. A strong, coherent, intelligent conservative movement is crucial to the success of this nation. The Republican Party has abandoned rationality and coherency in favor of vitriol and partisan politics. It's sad.

Well, I'll be back later this week. Later!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Keith Olbermann's Special Comment of Health Care Reform

Tonight, Keith Olbermann did an hour long special comment on the health care debate. It is a must-watch. Please, i beg you, find an hour and watch these videos. You will not look at the health care debate the same again.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


This was great. Betsy McCaughey gets her ass handed to her by Rep. Anthony Weiner and Dylan Ratigan on "Morning Meeting" this morning.

"I oppose that math."
"You can oppose the math all day."
thats awesome. go dylan!!!

Im slightly embarassed for her.

Ok that was a lie. I loved every minute. I have watched that video several times today. If this is the best the right can throw at health reform, then we don't have much to worry about.

If you want more look up the video of Betsy on the Daily Show a few weeks ago. Jon Stewart also hands it to her.

Thursday, October 1, 2009