Sunday, December 20, 2009

Health Reform?

We are closer than ever to passing Health Reform through the Senate, and I don't really know if I feel good about it.
News is coming out this morning that, after 13 hours of negotiating last night, Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb) has agreed to vote for the bill, giving the Democrats the majority they need. At what cost, though? Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev) cut a deal with Nelson to ensure that Nebraska will never again pay a dime for Medicaid coverage. He also cut deals for Michigan, Louisiana, and Vermont, so that Sens. Carl Levin (D-Mich), Mary Landrieu (D-Lou) and Bernie Sanders (I-Ver) would vote for the bill. He needed deals for Nelson, Levin, and Landrieu because, as conservative Democrats, they were moving away from the bill's public option (which was cut) and Medicare buy-in(which was also cut.) So I'm not really sure why he had to cut a deal when the two most liberal parts of the bill are already gone. The claim is because of abortion wording, which is not as restrictive as some hope (apparently, every single Senator has forgotten about Hyde Amendment, which states that no federal funding can be applied to abortions.) Sanders got a deal because no public option is included, and Sanders threatened to vote against the bill for this reason. I agree with Sen. Sanders; I think this bill should be scrapped. Without a public option, this is a handout to the insurance companies. The individual mandate included means millions of new customers for the insurance companies to overcharge and screw around. This is not the reform we have been working for since June. It's sad that Sen. Sanders has caved so easy. So now that we are here, with the first vote less than 24 hours away, I feel torn. Obviously, I want a health care bill badly. But I do not like the one being presented. Passing it will be a huge step, but the cost os too high. I agree that getting this done by the end of the year is important, but not if we have to make these crap deals for it to happend. I can only hope that a deal has been reached to reinsert the public option during conference committee (maybe our president will actually assert some force here and get it done?) That is basically our last hope. That, or reconciliation on the House bill, which would be nice, but won't happen. The next few days are going to be very interesting to see what happens.
One final note: I'm already tired of hearing Republicans complain about how this bill was crafted behind closed doors, how they weren't included, how it happened too fast. Republicans, shut up. Every time you were given the chance to help, you simply tried to torpedo all health reform. This is a Democratic bill. You want your own health care bill, go write one (fat chance that it even gets throught committe.) And as far as the "too fast" debate, last I checked, we've been having this debate since June. You know whats coming in this bill. And besides, it's not like you guys didn't spend eight years making shady backroom deals that you shoved through the Senate anyways without so much as acknowledging Democrats. It's called being the minority party. Get used to it.


  1. The words "this is a democratic bill" are about the only part of your blog I agree with.
    I think these words will haunt the Dems in 2010 as millions of Americans face skyrocketing premiums since insurance companies will be forced to insure everyone and anyone at any time. Oh, and when they try to drop their coverage, they'll only be faced with a nice penalty tax!

    Nice going Dems! 2010 should be an epic election year.


  2. You speak with the wisdom of a college student who thinks he knows so much about what other people need. I bet you have a great deal of experience with insurance companies so can tell us all about them. (Or at least what you have read from Progressive blogs. Lots of sob stories I'm sure. Maybe a few are even true.)

    Be honest, Justin. The only option the Republicans were given in the process was unconditional surrender. Either agree to their terms or go away. Republicans have talked about many of their ideas to fix the serious issues but since they don't include a government take over, dems aren't interested.

    Of course Republicans worked the shady deals as well. But wasn't a change to the way government worked something we expected Dear Leader to fix? A moral, transparent administration to stop these types of shenanigans? What happened to Obama's promise to reform business as usual in Washington? Just more proof he can't open his mouth without a lie or half truth flowing forth. More and more over lifted chin so he can look down his nose at the pitiful peasants below.

    Don't give up on your public option, Justin. There are a lot of days left for Reid and Pelosi to buy more votes. As recently brought up by one Republican, isn't it interesting that the best bribes so far have been exemptions from parts of this draconian bill being forced on the rest of us.

    This is certainly a holiday gift we will all remember. One big Christmas goose! One you will be eating for years and years and years. Feathers and all. Enjoy!
