Just a warning: this might be kind of long haha. A lot has been happening this week and I'm gonna try to hit all the big points. I may end up splitting this up, but I'm not sure yet.
First, obviously, health care. I've kind of pounded this subject into the ground, but it really is the key issue right now. The latest word from the capital is that a public plan may be gone, in favor of a co-op. The Senate Finance Committee finally released their bill, which did not include a public option. Democrats need to stand up and demand the public plan. It seems that the Republicans are winning this battle with a minority, just by pushing the Dems around. Liberal Democrats really need to get a spine and push back, and stop worrying about hurting the feelings of the Republicans.
But that's not my big issue with health care. The other big story this week is the idea that the government is going to force senior citizens to choose how they want to die. This is the most ridiculous thing I think I have heard yet concerning the health care bill. Let's not forget, the whole point of this bill is to get people health care so that they can live longer. It seems the main point here is a line in the bill that will divert funding to an ad campaign that encourages people to get living wills. First of all, the government has been doing this for twenty years. Second, what is wrong with a living will? I didn't realize that it was a bad thing. In fact, it seems getting a living will is a very good idea, for your children's sakes. But some conservative whack-job somewhere has started telling senior citizens that this means the government is going to force them to choose a death, so that they can be offed to make room for younger people. Usually, this kind of fear-mongering wouldn't be worrisome (in fact, we have kind of come to expect it from the Limbaugh-Beck-Coutler types.) The problem is, some Republican Congressmen and -women have taken up this ridiculous idea. Representative Virginia Foxx (R-NC) said on the House floor, "Seniors will be put to death by their government." Also on the House floor, Rep. Paul Brown (R-GA) called the health care bill a "secret plan to kill people." An in interviews, Rep. Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI) likened it to "assisted suicide," while Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) said, "It will absolutely kill people," and it will "put them on a list and force them to die early." And finally, during President Obama's town hall meeting Tuesday, a women called in saying that she heard a rumor that the government was going to send officials door-to-door asking people how they would like to die. The President dismissed this, calling it "kind of morbid," and explained the line encouraging living wills. This kind of fear-mongering by conservatives is disgraceful, and clearly shows that Republicans really have no other points that they can legitimately argue, considering the NBC poll released today showing that 94% (no that's not a typo) of the population wants health care reform of some type. 56% support a public plan. If this country is based in majority rules, then why aren't we seeing a public plan happening. Last I checked, 56% is a majority (almost as much as President Obama won the last election by!) My point is, the Republicans really have no options left. Many of them are happy with the status quo, and will do and say anything to make sure it happens.
Another big story this week has been the recent surge in Obama birther stories. If this isn't the most ridiculous story out there, I don't know what is. It seems that conservatives have this crazy idea that President Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya, and his mother inexplicably put the birth announcement in two Hawaii newspapers, and also forged a Hawaii birth certificate. You know, on the off chance that her son might run for President 46 years later. The possibility of this story being anywhere near true is zero, which makes it all the more appealing for the Limbaugh crowd. But it's not just fringe-element conservatives following this line of thought. Apparently, some Republican Congressmen don't have the backbone or courage to stand up to people like Ann Coulter and say that Obama is an American citizen, and anyone who says otherwise is insane. They are more concerned with keeping the hard-line base happy, more so than standing up for the truth. Listen, you can disagree with Obama on everything in the world. But there is no doubt he is an American citizen. There are hospital records, a birth certificate, a certificate of live birth, and newspaper announcements that prove he was born in Honolulu on August 4th, 1961. This shouldn't even be an argument. Once again (I'm sensing a pattern here,) it seems that Republicans don't have many things of substance to argue, so they must grasp at air with ideas like this.
Just as a closing note for this story: 2008 Republican Presidential nominee John McCain was actually not born in the United States. He was born in Panama on a U.S. base. Many Constitutional scholars still debate whether or not this would qualify McCain to be president. So chew on that.
The last major story is the Henry Louis Gates arrest. This is the perfect story to spark a national debate on the continued role of racism in America. There is no doubt in my mind that race played a role in this arrest. Despite what some want you to think, racism is still very much alive in America. I personally see it almost daily, living adjacent to a predominately poor, black neighborhood to the south, and a predominantly white, very rich neighborhood to the north. There is also a large Hispanic population in this area. The racism displayed by many has shocked me in the short amount of time I have lived here in downtown Oklahoma City. It just shows me how sheltered I was in terms of race living in Benton, KS for most of my life.
And now, Glenn Beck has decided to drop his two cents on this subject. On the Fox New Channel, he called President Obama a "racist" who "hates white people," and wants to put them at a disadvantage. Now before I comment on this, lets get one thing cleared up: I absolutely hate racism of any form. Nothing in this world angers me more than seeing or hearing someone discriminate against another because of the color of their skin. This is absolutely the most asinine thing I have ever seen. Racism is one thing that drove me away from the Republican party: I couldn't stand listening to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, and Glenn Beck say blatantly racist things on the radio daily, and never hearing any Republicans denounce them. So hearing Mr. Beck's latest comments almost don't even surprise me. I just don't understand why people hate others because of what color skin they have, or what country they are from. We are all people. Everyone has the same rights, whether their skin is black or white, whether they speak English or French, whether they are communist or capitalist, or whether they worship Jesus or Mohammad. I really long for a day when all these things can be accepted by others. But we aren't there. Many extreme conservatives can't seem to accept that a black man is president. These are the same people who attacked John Kerry is 2004 for "looking French." Who cares what he looks like? Why is that even a conversation? I think the basis of the racial argument is this: some white people can't stand the idea that they might not have a monopoly on power anymore. I think some Republicans are in this same boat. The idea of a black or Hispanic majority frightens them because they might not be able to make all the choices anymore. So the base of the Republican party has become the party that stands up for the abused white man. The thing is, in a few years, white people will no longer be the majority. So if Republicans want to continue to alienate minorities, they will soon learn that they can no longer win elections. Racism needs to come to an end, not for political reasons, but for moral ones. And anyone who thinks this argument is arcane, and racism is dead, just come spend a few days with me. I think I can open your eyes.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
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Bullying of Republicans??? Dems could pass anything they want if they just agreed.You can't blame things on Republicans anymore. Dems are in conrtol of this socialist ship. If things aren't getting passed it is your DEMOCRATES!!! The blame game is getting old. Obama is the godfather of bullying. How many arms will he have to break to get this passed. He always meets behind closed doors and "talks" people into decisions. I thought this was supposed to be the most open Admin. EVER! He puts a new meaning to the phrase "MOB rule!" But should we expect anything different from Chicago Crony?
ReplyDeleteDo you remember when Obam attacked Bush for passing bills to quickly? What the crap is he doing now?I thought he was going to be different. HE said he would give people all this time to know what is in these bills and have time to debate them. He was also supposed to post these major bills on his webpage so the public could be involved. What happened to that? I guess he got afraid that the public wouldn't like what they saw. He is ramming his agenda through so quickly people don't have time to stop and realize what is beening done to this country. I guess he wanted his own version of Shock and Awe.
I think everyone wants some kind of reform, but this is it. Liberals think that by voting against these crappy, socialist bills they are voting no to reform at all. This is the Dems way of brain washing the public into thinking the Republicans don't care. People want GOOD reform not FAST reform. You take one argument that the Republicans are making and make it sound like that is the only thing they have an issue with. Your bias in this blog was unprecedented for you. Republican express their concerns about something that could have a scary outcome and Dems call it fear mongering. (Obama rode the fear train all the way to the White House)But your right!! We shouldn't be allowed to discuss some of the items in this bill because they have a foreseeable "fearful" outcome. Like abortion, "end of life" treatment, and God know what else is in this thing. Or better yet, why even read it? I mean it is ridiculous to read any bill according to DEMOCRAT john Conyors, because they are too long and he needs 2 lawyers to understand what is in them. Isn't he the chair of the Judiciary Committee? The should give us all a warm fuzzy!You are sound more and more like those other liberals in the media bashing Rush, Sean, Mark, Glenn and O'Reilly because they can't keep up in the ratings! I know you don't agree with what they say and think they should be silenced, but if people didn't like what they were saying their ratings wouldn't destroy the liberals talk ratings repeatedly!!! I mean your ideas are just as "wack-job" as theirs are just in the wrong direction!
ReplyDeleteI DO believe that racism still exists in America and it is a major problem. However, you make the “rich white man” sound like the only one who is racist. Discrimination exists in all races, but your liberal media shows only one side of the story. This wouldn’t have even happened if Gates would have cooperated with the police. They were just responding to a call to help protect Gates’ house, or so they taught. Why didn’t he just show identification, and act in a civil manner? Where was his “peace and love and working together for the good of the whole” attitude when the police showed up. No force was used. I don’t see where race was an issue except for the accusations made by Gates and Obama. The other black police officers at the scene didn’t seem to have a problem with what Sgt.. Crowley was doing. Obama screwed up!!!! Obama even said “He didn’t know all the facts “ and then went on to SLANDER this public servant who was just doing his job. This coming for the President!!!! He was the one who acted “stupidly!” Barack should be sued for defamation of character! And the sad thing is that he couldn’t even apologize. There is no evidence to show that Crowely did anything wrong. I mean common Sgt. Crowley teaches the CPD new recruits anti- racial profiling seminars. He is what you would call an “expert “ on the subject. A reasonably sane person would think he would be pretty sensitive to the issue and know how to handle himself in that kind of situation. I guess the liberal media didn’t get that memo or chose to ignore it…like you did! But I guess this is just the Obama administration fulfilling their motto,…”never waste a crisis.”
ReplyDeleteYou said ,“Everyone has the same rights, whether their skin is black or white, whether they speak English or French, whether they are communist or capitalist, or whether they worship Jesus or Mohammad.” I guess their social class is not part of this list. YOU and the democratic party blatantly discriminate against the rich. You liberals blame the rich-capitalist in this country for the suffering of the poor. You neglect the fact that many of these people had to sacrifice financially, their formal education (which you obviously aren’t willing to do as mentioned in previous post), time with loved ones, and sometimes their health to EARN what they have. And you think that their REWARDS are “entitled” to you!! Liberals think they have a right to what others have. You freely take their rights, and brag about doing. If that is not discrimination, I don’t know what is!!!!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, Gates did attempt to cooperate with police. Crowley admitted that Gates showed his I.D. He may have been angry, but that is no reason to cuff a man and take him away. I think I would be angry too if the police were on my lawn demanding that I come out of MY house and to see some identification. And while I agree that the President may have worded his statement wrong, he is entitled to his opinion, and he believes that the situation was handled badly. It's kind of refreshing to see a politician speak his mind, instead of reading a company line about every situation. Suing for defamation would do nothing productive except keep this story in the headlines a little longer. I have nothing against Sgt. Crowley, I think he was just doing his job, and I think everyone involved was partly to blame.
ReplyDeleteAs for discriminating against the rich, you read me wrong. I have nothing wrong with someone who works hard for their wealth. I don't think they should have to give me or anyone else their wealth. Where I have a problem is the fact that no one wants to seem to give up a single penny, even for a good program. As a matter of fact, I do blame a the ultra-rich for many of the problems in the country. It is pretty obvious to me that they hold a lot of sway in D.C. and that they will do anything to get laws passed that protect themselves while neglecting the rest of the public. I don't want their rewards: I want them to start acting like the rest of the country matters. i acknowledge their hard work and respect it; just don't forget, you arent the only ones who matter. take care of those that dont have what you have, and they will take care of you when they get the chance.
And finally: you're right, I don't want to give up my education. My education that I've busted my ass for the majority of my life for, my education that has put me so far in debt, I will probably never overcome it. You talk about rewards for your hard work: i've worked hard to get to OCU and possibly have a chance to get to law school. if i give that up, i have nothing. evrything that i have worked for will be worthless. i am willing to work hard for anything. i dont want a handout. what i do want is health care that i might have a chance to afford, instead of health care that is so far out of my price range as to be impossible to stay in school to get. it is ridiculous that a basic human right(health) costs thousands of dollars to have in this country. i shouldn't have to make a choice between having a good job or being healthy. my health should be guaranteed so that i have the opportunity to go after that good job.
The rich don't pay a penny???? The top 1% pay more than 50% of all income tax that the government receives. Lets tax them more. They should pay 100%!! Right? That still wouldn't be enough to cover Democrate spending. we are about to make the "rich" pay almost 60% of their income. They have to give up more than HALF of what they make. Don't get me wrong...I am struglling to get by especially now with the baby. But I'm not blaming the rich. I blame the nut jobs out their sueing doctors every chance they get. They are the ones that run healthcare up. Health insurance companies only average 1.5% profit margins, and we run around blaming them. We need reform and try to get cost down, but this is not the answer. Don't forget politicans ran this country into the ground, and Obama is just another politican!! He lies and makes just as many deals with the rich as Republicans, yet you still believe he is out for you. Someone will make money on this deal, and it won't be the american people.
ReplyDeleteI was being facicious when I said he should sue Obama. He is the president. He is the most powerful man in the country and people look up to him (I don't know why, but they do). He does have a right to his opinion, but since he does hold so much power he should be smart enough to be more responsible with it. I just wonder if his teleprompter said that or just went out on him.
I'm not saying your should quit school. It will pay off for you in the future more than healthcare will now. Education is very important and you are right, It would be a waste of all your hard work. You said yourself that people without healthcare still get their bills paid. So its not like you won't get treatment. What I am saying is that life is made of choices. Some suck and don't seem fair. Health is not a right. We have no control over it and others shouldn't be FORCED to pay our bills! So what is affordable to you? 100 isn't, maybe $20 /month? To pay medical bills of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars? THAT doesn't seem very logical to me!!!
I think the government cap lawyers salaries!!! They can only charge $50/case. That way eveyone has equal quality representaion in court. I mean its not fair that the rich can afford such good lawyers and the ones us poor people get are so crappy!!!! Would you still go into the law business? How do you think this healthcare bill will effect the quality of doctors?